Orlo Vista Chamber of Commerce

Helping our Community Develop a Healthy Standard of Living

Your vision, Our responsibility

Opportunities can be hard to find in such an environment as this.  But with guided thought and inspiration of faith one can find the way.  This is our Centennial New Year.  We have gathered some pictures and videos of the History of our Orlo Vista Community.  Please enjoy them.  We are looking for more Pictures with Variety and Authenticity.  And we will be glad to add them to our slide show.  Let's be informed and connected by our History.  When cleaning out for the New Year Share those archives!  Bring them to our meetings or send them to ovchamber@att.net.

OVUSN Community Garden

The Fruit of Our Labors

MEETING REMINDER: ORLO VISTA United S.N. & Chamber of Commerce Monthly General Meeting is 3rd Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 7:00 PM


38 S. HASTINGS ST., 32835.
 Feel free to email us any questions & Enjoy your New Year!


This is a Volunteer Organization Striving for a Better Community!
Our Meetings shall be done decently and in order.
All Orlovistians are Welcome!

We invite you to the Orlo Vista Chamber of Commerce, 38 S. Hastings St., Tuesdays, Jan. 14 and 21, 1:00-8:00 PM, for ordering custom Etched Brick Markers for our Flag Pole Esplanade, for the many dedicated people who have contributed their life to our Organization as well as our Community.   Commemorate your loved ones and get ready for our Centenial year Celebration.  If you don't have a practice Sheet,
Download (right click) this to Print and Practice your Lettering
(Single lines of text can be purchased for $35 also):


For the Community Garden, there are more Garden Plots available
at our O.V. Park to apply for at $15/yr. 

Community Garden Meeting

Coming Soon, OV Chamber Hall.  Especially for new Members.  Questions: 407-222-1208


Central Florida Foundation


Our annual Grassroots Grant cycle has opened !

If you're a registered 501c3 organization, serve Central Florida, and have an annual revenue of under $250k, this grant opportunity might be for you!

This year’s grants will focus on supporting:

building infrastructure,


and expanding existing programs

with organizations that focus on:

human services,


youth development,

and/or health.


Up to 10 grants of $5,000 each will be awarded.

For the 2nd year in a row, applicants have the option to submit an application using video!

Learn more about how to apply here: https://cffound.org/investing-for-impact/grants/


Central Florida Foundation


Page · Nonprofit organization

CFF stewards philanthropic dollars while also fueling ideas to transform our region for good.




Why us?

Our story

Orlo Vista has went through many hard time eras.  But we have always pulled together and helped one another when the times got rough.  Through our Churches and Social Gatherings we have always kept in communication to find out who needed what.  Through various new means and developments we hope to continue to improve our quality of life.  Take a little time to reach out to your neighbor.


Have you ever felt like a prisoner in your own environment? Yet, there is so many things you want to do!  Do you feel like your inspiration and creativeness are being limited? Where can you go to 'connect the dots'?


Concerned about the apathy and crime in our neighborhood? We have the facility where your voice can be heard. Of course, if one does nothing, what will the outcome be? We and others in Orlo Vista want to know what's on your mind to improve our Neighborhood. Let’s build relationships of trust and compassion. Find others of bright productive minds at the Orlo Vista Chamber of Commerce whom want to Plan and Work together -- Families, Entrepreneurs, and Homeowners with honesty and integrity, to understand each other and solve our neighborhood problems. You are not alone. We need to dispel the fears and myths and make progress one step at a time. Come celebrate the good work we are doing and help us achieve Orlo Vista dreams. Organize with us at the Orlo Vista Chamber of Commerce.  Creative People and Grant Writers -- We need you.  Help the families and especially the children toward a better future.

Our vision

The purpose of this organization shall be civic service through organized efforts of the community and it's citizens with active constructive projects.  It shall further be the purpose of this organization to provide those constituting membership with training in leadership and civic consciousness to better their usefulness as citizens.


Join the OV Chamber OC and get the information you need.  You could be missing out. Find opportunities to support YOU and your Business and your Family.  Unless you join you will not know. We have regular meetings to let you know face to face real local NEWS you can USE. Our reality is what is put in front of us.

Next General Meeting:

Third Tuesday, 7 PM.


The Orlo Vista Chamber of Commerce is here to help connect with people and resources in the community to assist one in developing skills and in reaching goals. Break out and visit our Chamber Hall at given times to explore your possibilities by brainstorming with us.

Basic examples to progress:

A. Connect with County officials locally for vital information.

B. Learning how to apply computers and cell phones to your comunication and work. 

C. Finding out where to get the services you need.


Orange County Business Info and Forms
Orange County Residents Info and Forms
Orange County Visitors' Information

Orange County 311 Help/info
Ocso calls-for-service

What would you like to do for Our Community?
- Coordinate Events?
- Call Contacts for Fundraisers?
- Contribute Resources?
- Cleanup or Fixup (Develop your Skills!)

- Design or Setup signs?
- Newsletters or Websites?
- Neighborhood Watch?
- Be a part of our up-coming activities?

- Orange County Volunteer Participant?
- Be a Resident Member for only 15.00 yearly

Board Members

 President: Brian Harris

A long time resident in the community.  Sartorial, Terpsichorean, Amateur Astronomer, Artisan, Hula Dancer, and Poi Ball Performer

Safe Neighborhood Member.

Email: harris.facteau@yahoo.com

 Vice Pres. Debbie Meli

Well known for her work with the County as well as the neighborhood. 

Safe Neighborhood Member.

Email: bestbuni@yahoo.com

 2nd Vice Pres. Julius Amos

Long known for his neighborly help and residence in West Side Manor.

Safe Neighborhood Member.

Email: lasterclarence@yahoo.com


Director: Levi

Secretary: Gerald Eberly

Long time member and Concierge for the Orlo Vista Chamber of Commerce.  Also, he is known for his Computer skills and Electrical knowledge along with designing Websites and working in our Community Gardener.

Email: jageok@yahoo.com

Treasurer: Sharon Thomas

Long time member and owner of Oak Crest Mobile Home Park.  Safe Neighborhood Member.

Email: oak5455@aol.com

Director: Claudia Douglas

Long time member and

Community Gardener at OV Park. 

Safe Neighborhood Member.

Email: cdoug6563@yahoo.com

Director: David Thomas

Property Manager of Oak Crest Mobile Home Park.

Safe Neighborhood Member.

Email: davenat80@aol.com